10 Rules to get success in your Goals.

Mohammed Iliyas Khan
5 min readMay 24, 2021


Once you set a GOAL now we need to make a plan to achieve that successfully.

With the help of 10 RULES (collection of books) that can be follow for your goal and to do the hard work on it. I let you know there is NO shortcuts to achieve the goal or no any magic tool to do. So the all you need is hard work and hard work and hard work.

“This world is going to judge you no matter wat you do, so do what you want to do anyway, be real, be true to yourself”.

10 Rules to get success in you goals.

  1. Don’t Waste Time.

Most of us think we have so much time so we procrastinate the value of time we spend time on watching NETFLIX or any OTP (online television platform) or scrolling the Instagram or Facebook. Starting a day with the phone where you lose you most of the time. To make our most of our time productivity you can prioritize your time, prepare To do list and stick to them, value your time, take time for yourself, Keep your mind sharp and keep your Body fits, Stay focus on your goal. I will keep continue about this article in my coming topics stay touch with me together we can achieve our goals.

2. Practice Makes Us Perfect.

Learning a skill could improve our brains.

This is most important rules to remember to achieve the goal we most to do practice, practice, practice where you will fail in first attempts again in second attempts you need to keep trying until you reach the goal.

3. Keep Moving forward or Keep Learning.

When you learn new skills, you gain tons of advantages not only from professional, but from personal aspect as well. In order to keep update yourself about your community and about your goal status. For example your goal about to success in the fashion niche but you don't know about your new trend or don't know what new fashion are trending on your area so this is why you need to keep update yourself or your goal is about the web hosting or about to grow your business or in leadership any niche is your goal you learn all the updated version to keep your update the goal as well as figure out how your goal will impact to other or value to others.

4. Adapt to the change the quickly.

Adaptable people aren’t scared of change, as they will first make necessary plans to handle it. Here in the point I would like to take you back in year of 2010 where people don't know about the online marketing or online payment or digital equipment or Instagram or Facebook or Amazon or Online platform or Netflix or Amazon prime etc. But now a days all are blooming market where all are adopt the change and they bring the changes to the market and the people who adapt the change quickly they are on the top of the market so if you want to achieve your goal so you need you learn how to adopt to the changes quickly with good knowledge. Where you can be the best version of yourself.

5. Be Happy in All the Situation.


In order to stay happy in all situation we need know first the happiness came from within. There is no other person needs to come and to make me happy. First things to be happy you need to conquering the negative thoughts it means you need to work hard on your brain to stop thinking negative thoughts.

Telling yourself “I have to stop thinking about this,” only makes you think about it more. Instead, own your worries. When you are in a negative cycle, acknowledge it. “I’m worrying about money.” or “I’m obsessing about problems at work.” In this case treat yourself like as a friend if your friend would ask about herself what advice would you give a friend who was down on herself. Now try to apply that advice to you. Write down what negative thoughts are coming to your mind then figure out are really they are negative or just a thoughts. To conquering this your do the most effective ways to meditation and start counting numbers from backwards like 9,8,7,etc.

6. Honesty is the key to Success.

Most importantly, we need to be honest with ourselves.

This really important to stay honest yourself is very hard these days. But in this life you wanna success any area of your life you need to be honest yourself as well as with your life partner or with your business partner or with your subscriber if you running any YouTube channel and you must to be honest to your goal as well.

7. Attitude is Everything.

Change Your Attitude…and You Change Your Life!

“You are not what you think you are. But what you think YOU ARE!” “Your Attitude Is Your Window to the World”. “You cant always control circumstances. But you can control your own thoughts”. “Nurture your mind with great thoughts”. “If you can dream it, you can do it”.

8. Focus on your Strength.

Don’t compare yourself with others, but approach people who inspire or even challenge you for your growth.

Self-understanding and self-support is key. Concentrating on your strengths brings a better sense of fulfillment and forward progress. Don’t compare yourself with others, but approach people who inspire or even challenge you for your growth. You are the most different person then other in this world the talent you have no one have every person have there own talent which is differ from person to person. You have to unique, valuable , passionate about your goal.

9. Believe in Yourself.


This the most important key you success in your life you have to believe yourself to yes you can do it. By this you can be fearless and you’re ready to take any challenges and dig into the deep and if you believe yourself anything can be possible. you have to believe in yourself when no one does. That's makes you a winner right there. This world is going to judge you no matter wat you do, so do what you want to do anyway, be real, be true to yourself.

10. Never give up.

Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. by “JACK MA”

If i will say BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND NEVER GIVE UP both are related to each other. where you need to believe in yourself and never give up on your goal. You can change the direction or change the way to look the world but never give up always keep saying to yourself one more try and one more try today or tomorrow or may be after tomorrow you will reach your destiny.






Mohammed Iliyas Khan

Hi myself Mohammed Iliyas Khan i m starting a writing career i hope you like it and i want to grow my writing skill i like to encourage students.